Saint Alphonsus International School (SAIS)is an international institution serving Nursery through Kindergarten, aligning with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) by California State, USA.

These standards act as a comprehensive instructional guide, ensuring students make progress toward established benchmarks in each subject. The curriculum, grounded in Common Core State Standards, aims to foster critical thinking, nurture inner abilities, and equip students to address global challenges, both present and future.

This educational framework seeks to instill creativity and competence throughout stu-dents’ career development.

Our certified experts guide students through these programs, identifying their strengths and weaknesses while providing support for subjects in which students may face chal-lenges.

At SAIS, your child will be happy and enjoy learning. They will feel good about them-selves and have the motivation to do their best. We aim for children to grow in every aspect of their school learning with us.

Core subjects at each level include the English language, mathematics, science, art, and social studies. Additionally, SAIS encourages students’ involvement in diverse extracur-ricular activities such as cooking, music, soccer, taekwondo, gardening, and performing arts. Engagement in these activities serves as a platform for social and physical growth, fostering essential life skills like discipline, teamwork, and time management crucial for after-school life