Thanksgiving day

Hooray, it’s Thanksgiving day. The students were all engaged in arts and crafts activities. All the crafts works evolved around Thanksgiving. They had great fun and were happy as they display and wore want they made. This was followed by a Thanksgiving meal that everyone enjoyed. Students, express the various reasons why they are thankful.…

Happy Loy Krathong

SAIS was not left out in this this festive season of Loy Krathong. All the kids/ Students had a great fun.Each level was engaged in craft work using banana leaves, colored fish food and flowers to come out with their own Krathong. They joined the entire nation to float their Krathong in a balloon basin…

Happy Loy Krathong

SAIS was not left out in this this festive season of Loy Krathong. All the kids/ Students had a great fun.Each level was engaged in craft work using banana leaves, colored fish food and flowers to come out with their own Krathong. They joined the entire nation to float their Krathong in a balloon basin…

Phra Samut Satyadhithan

“Phra Samut Satyadhithan” thank you for showing up. This event has brought to lamp light what we are grooming here at SAIS A big shout out to our own very Student Partnerin Arpajamjarat( Pastel), for her outstanding performance during the The Noppamas Queen Contest. She was the overall first and received the first position award.…